Sentiero 244: Rifugio Capanna 2000 - Periplo del Pizzo Arera

    In breve

    From Rifugio Capanna 2000 (Hut at 1960 m) climb shortly northward heading the top of Pizzo Arera (peak). Turn left (north) crossing the Arera Valley leaving the path leading to the top. The path crosses screes and pastures with very interesting and nice plants and flowers (this stretch of the path is a part of the famous “Sentiero dei Fiori” (Flower Trail) - explanatory plates along the trail). The path climbs along the hillside of Pizzo Arera in a dolomitic environment. After a short downhill stretch you reach the Mandrone, valley between Corna Piana and Pizzo Arera. Shortly you get the crossroad with 218 path (about 2050 m), climb right until you reach the Corna Piana Pass (2130 m). From here start to go downhill, after a while you find a crossroad: turning left you go on 218 path. Keep the right on 244 path and walking along the base of the northern wall of Pizzo Arera enter the gorge toward Forcella di Valmora (Pass). Pay attention in climbing uphill specially on the upper rocky stretch (Expert Hikers). From the Forcella di Valmora (1994 m) go downhill on the opposite slope heading south-west, going along the hillside of the Pizzo Arera with some ups and downs and return to the Rifugio Capanna 2000 (Hut).

    A part of this path and the 218 and 222 paths are called SENTIERO DEI FIORI (Flowers’ trail) and there along the paths there are plates explaining the natural features of the area.


    ca. 500 m
    ca. 500 m
    circa 6500 metri
    Profilo altimetrico
    Carta Escursionistica della Provincia di Bergamo
    Tavola 05

    Il sentiero 244 presenta un tratto di catena non ancorato saldamente alla roccia e che quindi risulta pericoloso. Inoltre è inagibile a causa di un tratto franato. Si invita a non percorrere questo sentiero in attesa di sopralluoghi (26 aprile 2017).

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